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 The 1970


At the start of 1970, unrest in Lawrence simmered under the surface. Years of protest against segregation and inequality had few positive results. An already strained relationship between authorities and many citizens in Lawrence fractured further. 



By the beginning of April, violent  action,  fights, and arson were a  nightly  occurrence. Every citizen in  Lawrence, regardless of political  affiliation or  relationship to activism,  found  themselves in a battle zone.

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Built as a WWI memorial, the Union was a center of campus life at KU. When unknown parties set the building ablaze, it sent shockwaves through the city.
The fire to that building alone cost an estimated $1 million (over $6.5 million today) and made property loss figures for April 1970 second only to the destruction caused by the Lawrence Massacre in 1863.

Courtesy of The Kenneth Spencer Research Library

Courtesy of The Kenneth Spencer Research Library

The Curfew

The Governor of Kansas coordinated with Lawrence officials to send National Guard members and State Troopers to Lawrence. Community events such as school plays, live theater showings, and sporting events had to shift schedules to end on time. Movie theaters and restaurants, which normally had peak visitation in the evening, were closed to comply with the curfew.


The days between the nightly unrest were a strange mix of planning and anticipation. Community members attempted to complete their regular daily activities before the curfew went into effect. In some places, work and education were interrupted by bomb threats. Telephoned threats disrupted the daily operations of schools and businesses including the Lawrence National Bank and the Lawrence Paper Company.

Night 1
Tuesday, April 21, 1970
Curfew 7 p.m. – 6 a.m.


Within minutes of the curfew’s start, patrons at the Rock Chalk Café threw bricks at police cars. Gunfire and arson continued through the night, mostly in the area just north of the Kansas Union fire site. At 13th and Ohio Streets, a group of young Lawrencians set up a barricade blocking Oread Avenue.

Courtesy of The Kenneth Spencer Research Library

Night 2
Wednesday, April 22, 1970
Curfew 8pm-6am


The second night was defined by a confrontation between police and a gathering of protesters that included students, drifters, and those who lived in the Oread neighborhood. In an area of Lawrence known as “Hippie Haven" strands of piano wire and barbed wire were strung at about neck-height

 between buildings and in alleys. The newspaper theorized that calls bringing law enforcement to that area were intended to lure officers into an ambush.

Night 3
Thursday, April 23, 1970
Curfew 10pm-6am


Newspapers reported that the third, and final, night of the curfew reflected a slightly calmer atmosphere. Firefighters responded twelve times, from noon until the next morning, with seven of those calls reported as fire bombings. Bomb threats also continued as police investigated two threats to private citizens and threats to KU’s Malott and Murphy Halls.

Only 18 people were arrested for violating curfew, dropping from 45 arrests the previous night. This decline was enough for authorities to end the curfew leading into the weekend.


Courtesy of The Kenneth Spencer Research Library

Douglas County Historical Society

The Aftermath

Courtesy of The Kenneth Spencer Research Library

Authorities, including City Manager Buford Watson, studied the curfew for areas of improvement within the city governing. New procedures, including building a stronger tie with the Human Relation Commission as a center for conflict de-escalation, were considered.


The end of April calm proved to be the eye of the storm. Within a month, further protests erupted in Lawrence. KU authorities, reacting to these protests, ended the semester early and cancelled finals – a memorable moment for many students at the time.

Douglas County Historical Society

In July, protests after the fatal Police shootings of Rick “Tiger” Dowdell on July 16th and Nick Rice on July 20st rivaled the year’s


earlier events. City authorities declared a State of Emergency in Lawrence on the two month anniversary of the April crisis, but did not enforce a curfew. 

In December there was another wave of protests and the bombing of Summerfield Hall on the KU campus.

Douglas County Historical Society


Douglas County Historical Society

In the years that followed, activists and community leaders came together to create institutions to aid the community, including the Bert Nash Mental Health Center, the Sexual Trauma and Abuse Care Center, and the Audio Reader Network.

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